orakel, heiligdom
a place regarded as a source of wise counsel or prophetic predictions, often associated with the ability to communicate with the divine
What is an "oracle"?
In ancient Greece, an oracle was a sacred site where people went to seek divine guidance and prophecy. These locations were often associated with a specific deity, and the most famous oracle was the Oracle of Delphi, dedicated to Apollo. At these sites, priests or priestesses, known as oracles, would deliver messages from the gods, often in mysterious or symbolic language. People from various walks of life, including rulers and commoners, visited oracles to gain insights into important decisions, future events, or personal matters.
a message or prophecy that is conveyed by a priest or priestess
orakel, orakel (priester/priesters)
a priest or priestess serving as a mediator through whom the gods were thought to give their message in classical antiquity
The ancient oracle was believed to prognosticate the fate of individuals.
The oracle was believed to have the ability to prophesy the fate of individuals.
No one could decipher the true meaning of the cryptic oracle pronounced by the soothsayer.
The ancient civilization relied on divination to make important decisions, seeking guidance from oracles and interpreting signs from the gods.
Few believed the seer's oracle which foretold of impending danger.