What is "nose"?
The nose is a prominent facial feature located in the center of the face, above the mouth, and between the eyes. It serves as a passage for air during breathing and is responsible for the sense of smell. The nose consists of external and internal structures, including the nostrils, nasal cavity, nasal septum, and nasal cartilage. It plays a vital role in the respiratory system by filtering, warming, and humidifying the air we breathe. The shape and size of the nose can vary greatly among individuals and are influenced by genetics and ethnic background. Apart from its functional role, the nose also contributes to facial aesthetics and expressions, making it an important aspect of overall facial appearance.
neus, neusvorm
geurzin, neus
neus, punt
kleine afstand, korte afstand
mondstuk, spout
instinct, Talenten
neus, symbool van nieuwsgierigheid
voorzichtig opschuiven, voorzichtig vooruitgaan
snuffelen, inquisitief zijn
nipt winnen, met een kleine marge winnen
neuzen wrijven, neuzen aanraken
duwen met de neus, bewegen met de neus
snuffelen, ruiken