mast, zeilmast
a vertical spar for supporting sails
mast, zeilmast
a tall, vertical pole on a ship or boat that supports the sails and rigging
What is a "mast"?
A mast is a tall vertical pole used on boats, ships, or certain vehicles to support sails or other equipment like flags. Typically made of wood, metal, or fiberglass, it rises above the deck of the vessel. The mast helps to catch the wind in sails, allowing the boat or ship to move forward. It also provides support for rigging, which includes ropes or wires that control the position of the sails or other attached equipment. The height and strength of the mast are important for stability and performance.
The sailor climbed the mast to adjust the sails.
The ship 's mast stood tall against the sky.
They raised the flag to the top of the mast.
beukennoot, mast
nuts of forest trees used as feed for swine
mast, zaadhoop
nuts of forest trees (as beechnuts and acorns) accumulated on the ground
mast, zendmast
a tall vertical post with an antenna used for sending and receiving television, radio and phone signals

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