to lock away
[phrase form: lock]
opsluiten, vergrendelen
to put a person in a place where they can not escape from, such as a psychiatric hospital or prison
The authorities locked away the dangerous criminal in a maximum-security prison.
The patient was locked away in a psychiatric hospital for observation.
The court ordered the individual to be locked away in a psychiatric hospital for treatment.
opsluiten, afsluiten
to place something in a container or place that can be securely fastened with a lock
The jeweler locked away the precious gems in a vault for safekeeping.
The homeowner locked away their important documents in a fireproof safe.
The teacher locked away the exam papers in a secure cabinet to prevent cheating.
to lock oneself away
zich opsluiten, zich terugtrekken
to isolate oneself from others, often for privacy, focus, or to cope with emotions
She locked herself away in her room to study for the exams.
Writers sometimes lock themselves away to concentrate on their work.
She felt overwhelmed and locked herself away from everyone for a few days.

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