She completed an internship at a local hospital to gain practical experience in nursing.
The company offers summer internships for college students interested in marketing.
He secured an internship at a law firm to learn about legal procedures firsthand.
인턴십, 인턴하십시다
a period of time spent working for free or little pay in order to gain experience or to become qualified in a particular field
What is an "internship"?
An internship is a period of practical training for medical graduates, typically lasting one year, where they work under the supervision of experienced doctors in a hospital or clinical setting. During this time, these medical graduates, known as interns, gain hands-on experience in diagnosing and treating patients, performing medical procedures, and learning about various medical specialties. The internship is a critical step in the transition from medical school to becoming a licensed, practicing physician.
인턴십, 인턴
a position for students to gain work experience or fulfill qualification requirements