열사병, 열중증
What is "heatstroke"?
Heatstroke is a serious condition that occurs when the body overheats leading to a breakdown in the body's ability to control its temperature. This can happen when someone spends too much time in hot environments or engages in intense physical activity without enough hydration and rest. Symptoms of heatstroke may include a high body temperature, confusion, dizziness, nausea, rapid heartbeat, and even loss of consciousness. Heatstroke is a medical emergency and requires immediate attention. Treatment typically involves cooling the body down quickly, such as by moving the person to a shaded or air-conditioned area, removing excess clothing, and applying cool water or ice packs to the skin. In serious cases, hospitalization and fluids given through a tube in a vein may be necessary to prevent complications such as organ damage or death. It is important to stay hydrated and take breaks in cooler places when it is hot to avoid heatstroke.