to go around
[phrase form: go]
회전하다, 돌다
to rotate or spin around an axis or center point
Transitive: to go around sth
The ceiling fan blades go around to circulate air in the room.
Earth 's rotation causes the planet to go around, creating day and night.
The bicycle wheels go around as the cyclist pedals forward.
주변에 가다, 이웃집에 들르다
to visit someone or a place that is in close proximity
Intransitive: to go around somewhere
We decided to go around to our neighbor's house to borrow some sugar.
It 's convenient to go around to the corner store for groceries.
I 'll go around to my friend's apartment later for a movie night.
전파되다, 돌다
(of information or physical objects) to circulate or distribute something, often in a haphazard or informal manner
Transitive: to go around a place or network
The video of the surprise proposal went around social media, gaining thousands of views.
The charity event saw blankets and warm clothing going around to help the homeless.
The news about the upcoming event began to go around the office through word of mouth.
충분하다, 돌아다니다
to be sufficient or available for a particular purpose or need
With a generous supply of art materials, there 's enough paint to go around for the entire art class.
We prepared plenty of sandwiches, so there 's enough food to go around for everyone at the picnic.
The volunteers provided extra handouts to ensure there were enough copies to go around.
돌아다니다, 전파되다
(of an infectious disease) to be transmitted or spread from person to person
During flu season, the influenza virus tends to go around, affecting many individuals.
The common cold can easily go around in a crowded classroom or office.
Preventing the spread of COVID-19 requires measures to ensure it does n't go around in the community.
다니다, 지내다
to frequently exhibit a specific state, behavior, or mannerism
Intransitive: to go around in a specific manner
She always goes around with a positive attitude, even in challenging situations.
Sarah often goes around dressed in casual attire, even in the office.
He tends to go around with a cheerful disposition, brightening everyone's day.
어울리다, 지내다
to regularly spend time and socialize with someone
Intransitive: to go around | to go around with sb
They have been going around together since high school.
I used to go around with a bad crowd during my teenage years.
It 's crucial to choose friends wisely; I do n't want to go around with the wrong people.