to flatter
아첨하다, 아부하다
to highly praise someone in an exaggerated or insincere way, especially for one's own interest
Transitive: to flatter sb/sth
The employee flattered the boss by excessively praising their leadership style, hoping for a promotion.
During the interview, the candidate flattered the company 's values, attempting to create a positive impression.
The salesperson flattered the customer by complimenting their taste and choices, hoping to close a deal.
아부하다, 칭찬하다
to believe something favorable about one's character or abilities even though it might not be true
돋보이게 하다, 아름답게 하다
to make someone look attractive or enhance their appearance, especially with a particular color or style of clothing
to flatter oneself
to overestimate one's own abilities, accomplishments, or appearance
The employee flattered the boss by excessively praising their leadership style, hoping for a promotion.
During the interview, the candidate flattered the company's values, attempting to create a positive impression.
The salesperson flattered the customer by complimenting their taste and choices, hoping to close a deal.
She flattered her friend's cooking, even though the meal didn't meet her expectations, to avoid hurting their feelings.
The politician flattered the voters by making promises that were too good to be true, aiming to secure their support.

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