가장자리 장식, 모서리 장식
border consisting of anything placed on the edge to finish something (such as a fringe on clothing or on a rug)
엣지 기술, 엣징
a climbing technique where climbers use the edges of their shoes to stand on small footholds
What is "edging"?
Edging is a climbing technique used when a climber places the edge of their shoe on a small hold or surface, typically on a rock or a climbing wall. The climber uses the precision of the shoe's edge to gain grip and support while pushing upward or sideways. Edging is commonly used in rock climbing, especially on small footholds, where a climber must rely on their shoe's edge to maintain balance and conserve energy while climbing. This technique is important for routes that involve tiny or sharp footholds.
She felt more confident after mastering the art of edging on various surfaces.
Edging is crucial for maintaining balance on steep, technical climbs.
She relied on precise edging to navigate the tiny footholds on the route.