Cross-court shot
크로스 코트 샷, 대각선 샷
a stroke hit diagonally across the court from one corner to the opposite corner in tennis
What is a "cross-court shot"?
A cross-court shot is a type of shot in tennis, badminton, or other racket sports where the ball or shuttlecock is hit diagonally from one side of the court to the opposite side. The shot is aimed at the far corner of the opponent’s side, making it difficult to return, especially when played with good accuracy and pace. Cross-court shots are commonly used to move the opponent out of position and create open spaces for a follow-up shot. They are a fundamental part of offensive strategies in racket sports.
She executed a perfect cross-court shot to win the point.
His opponent struggled to reach the well-placed cross - court shot.
Maria 's cross-court shot landed just inside the line for a winner.