to stake out
[phrase form: stake]
감시하다, 관찰하다
to watch a building continuously, usually by police or reporters, to see who goes in or out
The journalist planned to stake the politician's residence out to find out who was entering or leaving.
The detectives decided to stake out the suspect's apartment to see who was coming and going.
Concerned about security, the team was instructed to stake out the embassy throughout the night.
자신의 입장을 분명히 밝히다, 자신의 의견을 명확히 하다
to clearly state one's opinions in order to distinguish between one's ideas and other's
During the meeting, he made sure to stake out his position on the matter, emphasizing his unique perspective.
The professor encouraged students to stake out their arguments in their essays to showcase their critical thinking skills.
During the workshop, participants were encouraged to stake out their perspectives on the topic, fostering a diverse exchange of ideas.