The company experienced a turnaround after the new CEO took charge.
There was a significant turnaround in the team's performance after the coach's strategies were implemented.
The turnaround in the economy came as a surprise to many analysts.
회전, 전환
act or process of unloading and loading and servicing a vessel or aircraft for a return trip
회전지, 전환점
a designated area where vehicles can reverse direction
What is a "turnaround"?
A turnaround is an area designed for vehicles to change direction. It provides enough space for drivers to safely reverse or make a U-turn, especially in places where there is limited room to maneuver. Turnarounds are often found in residential areas, parking lots, or dead-end streets, where they allow vehicles to turn without having to back up for long distances. These areas are typically clearly marked to help drivers identify where they can safely turn around.
The driver used the turnaround to head back the way he came.
She missed the exit and had to find a turnaround.
He appreciated the well-marked turnaround on the highway.
완전한 변화, 전환
a complete or unexpected change in someone's attitude, opinion, or behavior
회전 시간, 준비 시간
time need to prepare a vessel or ship for a return trip