a brass musical instrument with a brilliant tone; has a narrow tube and a flared bell and is played by means of valves
트럼프, 트럼프 카드
a playing card in one of the four suits that owns the highest value compared to the other three suits in a particular game
What is "trump"?
Trump is a special suit in many card games that is considered stronger than the other suits. When a trump suit is declared, cards from that suit can win a trick, regardless of the rank of the other cards played. For example, in a game like bridge or whist, if the trump suit is spades, a spade card will win over any card from the other suits, even if the other card is of higher rank. The trump suit is usually decided before the game starts or during the bidding phase. In some games, a specific card, like the joker or the highest card of the trump suit, can also play a special role as a "trump card."
트럼프, 우세 카드
(card games) the suit that has been declared to rank above all other suits for the duration of the hand
to trump
팡파르를 울리며 발표하다, 성대한 알림을 하다
proclaim or announce with or as if with a fanfare
능가하다, 이기다
get the better of
앞서는 카드로 내다, 능가하다
to play a card of a suit that outranks the current suit, usually used in trick-taking card games to win a trick and gain an advantage over other players
트럼펫을 불다, 소리를 내다
produce a sound as if from a trumpet
No Trump to indicate strength in all suits.
Before the round of Euchre started, Sarah had to declare the trump suit.
The lead player pitched diamonds, signaling diamonds as the trump suit for the upcoming trick.
In Bridge, the declarer pitched the spade suit, indicating it as the trump suit for the current hand.
In the game of Bridge, each player has the opportunity to declare a suit as trump before the hand begins.