삼중, 트리플렛
the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one
트리플렛, 삼중주
a set of three game pieces or cards or dice that share the same attributes, such as color, shape, or value
What is a "triplet"?
A triplet refers to a set of three items, such as dice, cards, or game pieces, that all share a common feature, like having the same value, color, or shape. In games, triplets can be important for making specific moves or achieving goals, depending on the rules. For example, in some card games, having three cards with the same rank or in some dice games, rolling three identical numbers, could lead to winning or scoring higher points. Triplets are often a key element in many games, adding a layer of strategy or luck.
삼둥이, 세 쌍둥이
one of three offspring born at the same time from the same pregnancy