step by step
단계적으로, 차근차근
regarding the method of progressing gradually by taking one small action or stage at a time
She learned to play the piano step by step, starting with basic scales.
그녀는 기본 음계부터 시작하여 단계적으로, 차근차근 피아노를 배우기 시작했다.
The recipe was explained step by step for easy understanding.
레시피는 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 단계적으로, 차근차근 설명되었습니다.
단계적으로, 차근차근
(of a task or process) in a way that moves on to the next task or process after completing the previous one
He gained confidence step by step through experience.
He improved his writing skills step by step over the years.