Sound hole
사운드홀, 공명구멍
an opening in a stringed instrument's body that enhances its sound
What is a "sound hole"?
A sound hole is an opening in the body of a stringed instrument, such as a guitar or violin, designed to allow sound to escape and project outward. Located typically on the front of the instrument, the sound hole helps amplify and enhance the instrument’s sound by letting the vibrations from the strings resonate through the body. Its size and shape can influence the tone and volume of the instrument.
The luthier carefully carved the sound hole into the body of the guitar, ensuring optimal resonance.
루시어는 기타 본체에 사운드홀을 조심스럽게 새겨 넣어 최적의 공명을 보장했습니다.
With each strum of the guitar strings, the sound hole projected rich, vibrant tones throughout the room.
각 기타 줄을 울릴 때마다, 사운드홀은 방 안에 풍부하고 생동감 있는 음색을 발산했다.