빙어, 붉은 빙어
What is a "snapper"?
A snapper is a type of fish known for its vibrant colors, sharp teeth, and excellent flavor. They are predominantly found in tropical and subtropical waters, inhabiting coral reefs, rocky areas, and estuaries. Snappers have a streamlined body shape with a large mouth, allowing them to capture a variety of prey such as fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. They are highly sought after by both recreational and commercial fishermen due to their delicious flesh and sporting qualities. Snapper species vary in size and appearance, with some displaying stunning red, pink, or yellow hues. These fish play an important ecological role in marine ecosystems as both predators and prey, contributing to the overall health and balance of the underwater environment.
악어거북, 큰머리 거북
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스냅퍼, 파티용품
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스냅퍼, 센터
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