Pullorum disease
풀로럼병, 풀로럼 감염
a bacterial infection in chicks and young poultry, caused by Salmonella Pullorum, leading to high mortality and reproductive issues
What is "Pullorum disease"?
Pullorum disease is a bacterial infection that mainly affects poultry, such as chickens and turkeys, and is caused by the bacterium Salmonella pullorum. The disease is most severe in young chicks, leading to symptoms like white diarrhea, lack of energy, loss of appetite, and high death rates. Adult birds may carry the bacteria without showing symptoms, spreading the infection to their offspring through eggs. Control and prevention measures include regular testing and removal of infected birds, maintaining strict hygiene protocols, and using antibiotics under veterinary guidance. Early detection is crucial to preventing outbreaks and ensuring the health of poultry.
Pullorum disease, from Salmonella Pullorum, threatens chicks and young poultry.
Infected birds show symptoms like decreased egg production due to Pullorum disease.
Strict biosecurity minimizes the risk of introducing Salmonella Pullorum to farms.