페르시안 고양이, 페르시아
What is a "Persian cat"?
The Persian cat is a long-haired breed known for its luxurious coat, flattened face, and expressive eyes. They have a distinctive appearance with a round head, short nose, and small ears. Their coat comes in a variety of colors and patterns, and requires regular grooming to keep it tangle-free and healthy. Persians have a calm and gentle temperament, and are often described as affectionate and sweet-natured. They enjoy lounging and being pampered, and are typically low-energy cats that prefer a quiet and relaxed lifestyle. Persians are known for their regal and dignified demeanor, and they are often considered as one of the most iconic and glamorous cat breeds. They are well-suited for indoor living and make great companions for those seeking a loving and laid-back feline friend.
Persian cat