Passion fruit
패션프루트, 열대과일
a type of tropical fruit whose skin is purple in color and has many seeds within, native to South America
What is a "passion fruit"?
Passion fruit is a small, oval-shaped tropical fruit with a tough outer rind that varies in color from purple to yellow. Inside, it contains a jelly-like pulp filled with numerous edible seeds. This unique fruit is known for its strong and distinct sweet-tart flavor, which is a delightful combination of tropical sweetness and tanginess. It is commonly used in beverages, desserts, and culinary creations to add a burst of exotic taste and visual appeal. Passion fruit is not only delicious but also rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and dietary fiber, making it a popular choice for both its unique flavor and potential health benefits.
I could n't resist trying the passion fruit sorbet at the ice cream shop.
The passion fruit smoothie is a popular choice at the café.
She sliced open a ripe passion fruit and scooped out the juicy seeds to enjoy as a refreshing snack.