이, 기생충
a small parasitic insect that lives and feeds on the body of warm-blooded animals
What is a "louse"?
A louse is a parasitic insect that typically infests the hair or feathers of animals, including humans, and feeds on their blood. These small insects have flattened bodies and specialized mouthparts for piercing the skin and sucking blood. They reproduce rapidly and can spread easily through close contact or shared belongings. Lice infestations, known as pediculosis, can be treated with various methods including insecticidal shampoos and meticulous removal of the insects and their eggs (nits) from the affected area.
진딧물, 이
any of several small insects especially aphids that feed by sucking the juices from plants
이, 이들
wingless insect with mouth parts adapted for biting; mostly parasitic on birds
악당, 너절한 사람
a person who has a nasty or unethical character undeserving of respect