to go back
[phrase form: go]
振り返る (ふりかえる), 戻る (もどる)
to refer to something that occurred or was mentioned in the past
During the discussion, he would often go back to the importance of teamwork.
Let's go back to our earlier conversation about future plans.
In her autobiography, she frequently goes back to her childhood memories.
戻る (もどる), 帰る (かえる)
to return to a previous location, position, or state
He decided to go back to the old town where he grew up.
I need to go back to the office to retrieve a document I left behind.
The TV we bought has a screen defect, so it will have to go back for a replacement.
さかのぼる, 遡る
to trace the existence or origin of something to a specific point in time
The tradition of celebrating the festival goes back for centuries.
The family's history in this town goes back to the early 19th century.
The company 's commitment to sustainability goes back for decades.
戻る, 進んでいる時間を調整する
(of clocks) to have the time adjusted backward by one hour at the end of daylight saving time
The time will go back by one hour when daylight saving time ends.
We need to make sure all the clocks in the house go back on time.
The clocks will go back automatically on your smart devices.
昔からの付き合いがある, 長年の知り合いである
to have a history of knowing or being acquainted with someone for an extended period
The members of our book club go back ten years, sharing a passion for literature.
Bob and I go back decades; we met during our time at the university.
Lisa and Sarah go back to the days when they were roommates in college.