触覚器, 触手
any of the pair of tentacles of an insect or crustacean that help them to sense touch or taste
What is a "feeler"?
A feeler is a pair of segmented sensory appendages that emerge from the insect's head. They are also known as antennae and serve a variety of functions such as sensing their environment, detecting food and pheromones, and communicating with others of their species. Feeler length, shape, and structure vary greatly between different insect species, and they can be used to help distinguish between different groups of insects.
触手, フィーラー
slender tactile process on the jaws of a fish
感度, 受容体
sensitivity similar to that of a receptor organ
探り, 試案
a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others
The company was putting out feelers about the possibility of relocating to a new city.
The unemployed man was putting out feelers to see if any of his former colleagues had any job openings.
The politician was putting out feelers to see if there was any support for his tax reform plan.
The couple was putting out feelers to see if any of their friends would be interested in adopting their dog.
The writer was putting feelers out to see if any publishers were interested in her new novel.