to add up
[phrase form: add]
辻褄が合う (つじつまがあう), 整合する (せいごうする)
to be logically consistent
The financial figures in the report do n't add up; there seems to be an error.
Her explanation of the situation did n't add up, and I had my doubts.
The detective found that the alibi provided by the suspect did n't add up.
増加する(ぞうかする), 積み重なる(つみかさなる)
to increase in number or amount over time
The pressure has been adding up at work, and it's starting to affect my stress levels
Over the years, the wear and tear on the car 's engine added up, leading to its breakdown.
Their initial efforts added up to a strong and lasting friendship.
合計する (ごうけいする), 算出する (さんしゅつする)
to find the total of a set of numbers or quantities
Transitive: to add up numbers or quantities
Please add up the expenses for the month and provide me with the total.
Add these numbers up and tell me the result.
I need to add all these expenses up to create a detailed budget.
総合的に考える, 考慮する
to form an opinion by considering different factors
Transitive: to add up an opinion
After hearing all the arguments in the debate, I added up my opinion on the topic.
Let 's add up our impression of the new employee after working with them for a few weeks.
It 's essential to add up your judgment of a book not only by its cover but by reading it.