絞り器, ジュース搾り器
a handheld tool designed to extract juice from fruits and vegetables by applying pressure to the fruit while it is placed in the device
What is a "squeezer"?
A squeezer is a kitchen tool used for extracting juice from fruits, typically citrus fruits like lemons, limes, or oranges. It usually consists of two handles connected by a hinge, with a bowl-shaped cup or dome at one end and ridges or teeth inside. To use a squeezer, you cut the fruit in half, place it cut-side down into the cup, and then squeeze the handles together. The ridges or teeth press into the fruit, extracting the juice and leaving behind the seeds and pulp.
The lemon squeezer has a simple design but works perfectly.
He bought a stainless steel lemon squeezer for making cocktails.
She used a lemon squeezer to get fresh juice for her recipe.
The chef recommended using a lemon squeezer for more efficiency.
The lemon squeezer made it easy to extract all the juice without any mess.