Silver bullet
銀の弾丸 (ぎんのだんがん), 簡単な解決策 (かんたんなかいけつさく)
a simple and effective solution to a difficult problem
What is the origin of the idiom "silver bullet" and when to use it?
The idiom "silver bullet" originates from folklore and popular culture, particularly the belief that a silver bullet is the only way to kill a werewolf or other supernatural creatures in some myths. In its figurative usage, a "silver bullet" refers to a simple and magical solution that can effectively solve a complex problem or issue. It signifies a single, direct, and highly effective method or action to achieve a desired outcome.
Despite the marketing team 's efforts, there 's no silver bullet that guarantees a viral campaign.
While technology can help, it 's not a silver bullet for improving educational outcomes; good teaching is essential.
The CEO believed that the new marketing strategy would be the silver bullet to boost the company's sales.