ロアン, 混合毛
What is a "roan"?
Roan is a type of horse that has a distinctive coat color, characterized by a mixture of colored and white hairs that gives a "frosted" appearance. The base color of the coat can be black, bay, or chestnut, with the white hairs being interspersed throughout the coat. Roan horses may have a variety of different patterns, such as blue roan, red roan, or strawberry roan, depending on the color of the base coat and the distribution of the white hairs. Roans are often highly valued for their unique and striking appearance and can be found in a variety of breeds, including Quarter Horses, Arabians, and Thoroughbreds. While their coat color may be eye-catching, roans are also known for being athletic and versatile horses that can excel in a range of disciplines, from trail riding to jumping to barrel racing.
染色された羊革, ロアン
ロアン, 敷き詰められた