a statement about an offense made by a jury based on their own knowledge
The grand jury issued a presentment against the sheriff based on their suspicions of corruption they had uncovered during their investigation.
Due to evidence of wrongdoing the jurors witnessed themselves, they decided to issue a presentment for trial rather than wait for an indictment.
No formal charges had been filed but rumors of misconduct led the jury to introduce their own presentment of the case.
a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view
a written document that obligates one party to pay money to another party at a specified time, such as promissory notes, bills of exchange
The bank issued a 30-day promissory note as a presentment to cover the client's overdraft.
After missing the payment date outlined in the presentment, late fees were applied to the borrower's account.
Included with the shipment was a presentment for the total balance due within 30 days.