What is a "letter"?
A letter is a written or printed message that is typically sent from one person to another. It can be formal or informal and is often used for communication when a direct conversation is not possible. Letters are usually written on paper, but they can also be sent digitally through email or messaging platforms. They may convey personal thoughts, official information, requests, or invitations. Traditionally, letters were delivered by post or courier services, but with advancements in technology, electronic letters have become more common due to their speed and convenience.
I received a thank-you letter from the charity I donated to.
He sent a letter of resignation to his boss.
He was delighted to get a letter of acceptance from the university.
The teacher told me to write each letter clearly.
スポーツレター, 賞状
an award earned by participation in a school sport
文字, 手紙
a strictly literal interpretation (as distinct from the intention)
貸主, 所有者
owner who lets another person use something (housing usually) for hire
to letter
アスリートレターを獲得する, スポーツレターを取る
win an athletic letter
レタリングする, 文字を持たせる
mark letters on or mark with letters
書く, 印刷する
set down or print with letters