The hangman carried out the execution according to the court's orders.
The condemned prisoner faced the hangman with dignity and composure.
The hangman prepared the gallows for the scheduled execution.
impiccato, gioco dell'impiccato
a word game in which one player picks a word and the others attempt to guess it one letter at a time, each time a player fails to guess the word right, the first player draws one part of a hanging man, if the other players fail to guess the word before the drawing is compeleted they lose
What is "hangman"?
Hangman is a word guessing game where one player thinks of a word, and the other player tries to guess it by suggesting letters. For each incorrect guess, a part of a stick figure is drawn, representing a person being hanged. The goal is to guess the word before the figure is fully drawn. Each correct guess reveals a letter in the word, and the player continues guessing until the word is completed or the figure is fully drawn. Hangman is a popular game for improving vocabulary and spelling, often played with paper and pencil.