Full house
a situation where all seats, spaces, or accommodations are completely occupied, with no availability left
The theater had a full house for the premiere of the new play.
Every hotel in town was a full house during the festival weekend.
It was a full house at the stadium for the championship game.
full house, casa piena
(In poker) a combination of five cards consisting of three of a kind and a pair, in which the three of a kind is of a higher rank than the pair
What is a "full house"?
A full house is a poker hand that consists of three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank. For example, three queens and two tens make a full house. It is ranked above a flush but below four of a kind in standard poker hand rankings. In the event that two players have a full house, the hand with the higher three-of-a-kind part wins. If both hands have the same three-of-a-kind, the player with the higher pair wins. A full house is considered a strong hand in most poker games.

Parole Vicine