What is "Dada"?
Dada was a movement that began in the early 20th century, during World War I, as a reaction against the horrors and irrationality of the war. It started in Zurich, Switzerland, and quickly spread to cities like Berlin, Paris, and New York. Dada was characterized by its rejection of traditional art, literature, music, and cinema, instead welcoming randomness, silliness, and a dislike for traditional values. Artists, writers, and musicians associated with Dada, such as Marcel Duchamp, Tristan Tzara, and Hans Arp, created works that intentionally made no sense, challenging the traditional ideas of art and culture. In literature, those associated with Dada used random words and sounds to create unusual poetry. In visual art, they made use of mixed media, combining different materials and images, and turning everyday objects into art pieces. The movement aimed to shock and disturb, questioning the very nature of art and society.
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