British pronunciation/kˈə‍ʊkənˌʌt/
American pronunciation/ˈkoʊkəˌnət/

noce di cocco

a large fruit with a hard shell and edible white flesh inside containing a milky liquid

What is a "coconut"?


Coconut is a versatile tropical fruit that is highly valued for its distinct flavor and numerous applications. It features a hard, fibrous outer husk surrounding a large, round seed with a rich, creamy white flesh inside. With a unique combination of sweetness and nuttiness, coconut is used in various forms, including coconut water, coconut milk, coconut oil, and grated coconut. It adds a delightful tropical touch to both sweet and savory dishes, beverages, and desserts, making it a beloved ingredient in cuisines around the world. Furthermore, coconut offers a range of health benefits, being a good source of healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, contributing to its popularity and widespread use.

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