have somebody by the short hairs
to have complete control over another individual
What is the origin of the idiom "have someone by the short hairs" and when to use it?
The exact origin of the idiot "have someone by the short hairs" is uncertain. However, it is believed to have its roots in the idea of physical control or manipulation. The phrase metaphorically refers to having a person grasped or controlled by a sensitive and vulnerable area, such as the short hairs at the back of the neck, which are difficult to escape from without resistance. It is often used when discussing power dynamics or relationships where one individual holds leverage over someone else.
The detective had the suspect by the short hairs, possessing undeniable evidence of their guilt.
The strict teacher had the misbehaving student by the short hairs, threatening to report their actions to the principal.
The powerful politician had the compromised official by the short hairs, ensuring their loyalty through threats of exposure.