(as) red as a beet
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British pronunciation/az ɹˈɛd az ɐ bˈiːt/
American pronunciation/æz ɹˈɛd æz ɐ bˈiːt/

rosso come le barbabietole

turning red in the face out of embarrassment
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(as|) red as a beet definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "red as a beet" and when to use it?

The origin of the idiom "red as a beet" is not definitively known, but it likely comes from the observation of the physical reaction of a person's face turning red when experiencing embarrassment or shame. The comparison to a beet, a vegetable with a naturally reddish color, serves as a vivid and relatable metaphor to describe the flushed complexion that can occur in such situations. It can also be used to describe situations where someone is confronted with unexpected attention, criticism, or humiliation.

I turned red as a beet when I realized I had been talking to the wrong person the entire time.
I'm sorry, I can't stay outside any longer, I'm starting to turn as red as a beet.
Every time she speaks in front of a large audience, her face turns red as a beet from nervousness.
After spending all day in the sun, his face was red as a beet.
Tomorrow, she will turn red as a beet when she realizes she forgot her lines during the play.
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Meaning of "(as|) red as a beet" in Italian

Meaning of "(as|) red as a beet" in Italian
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