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What is a "flat-headed cat"?
The flat-headed cat (Prionailurus planiceps) is a small wildcat species native to Southeast Asia, including parts of Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. It is known for its unique appearance, characterized by a broad and flattened head, short legs, and a compact body. The coat of the flat-headed cat is typically brownish-gray with dark spots and stripes, providing camouflage in its wetland habitat. As the name suggests, the flat-headed cat has a flattened skull, which is believed to aid in capturing prey in aquatic environments. It is a skilled swimmer and is known to prey on fish, frogs, and other small aquatic animals. The flat-headed cat is a solitary and elusive species, primarily active during twilight hours. Due to its specialized habitat requirements and small population size, the flat-headed cat is considered endangered and faces threats such as habitat loss, pollution, and trapping. Conservation efforts are underway to protect and conserve this unique and elusive wildcat species.