(as) wise as an owl
molto saggio
used to refer to someone who is exceptionally knowledgeable and has a good sense of judgment
What is the origin of the idiom "wise as an owl" and when to use it?
The origin of the phrase "wise as an owl" can be traced back to ancient Greek and Roman cultures. , as they believed that owls had the ability to see and understand things that others could not. Over time, this belief in the wisdom of owls became embedded in various cultures and folklore, leading to the expression "wise as an owl" to describe someone who is exceptionally wise or intelligent.
Despite being only 10 years old, Sarah is as wise as an owl.
Students often describe him as wise as an owl.
When it comes to financial planning, Mark is as wise as an owl.
Despite being only 10 years old, Sarah is as wise as an owl.
Students often describe him as wise as an owl.
When it comes to financial planning, Mark is as wise as an owl.
Students often describe him as wise as an owl.
When it comes to financial planning, Mark is as wise as an owl.
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