On the lookout for sb/sth
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British pronunciation/ɒnðə lˈʊkaʊt fɔː ˌɛsbˈiː slˈaʃ ˌɛstˌiːˈeɪtʃ/
American pronunciation/ɑːnðə lˈʊkaʊt fɔːɹ ˌɛsbˈiː slˈæʃ ˌɛstˌiːˈeɪtʃ/

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constantly paying attention to a person or thing to prevent a problem, danger, etc.
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on the lookout for {sb/sth} definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "on the lookout for someone or something" and when to use it?

The idiom "on the lookout for someone or something" is used to describe a state of watchfulness or alertness in the search for a specific person or thing. Its origins can be traced to English language use over the years, and it reflects the idea of actively seeking or being attentive to the presence or arrival of someone or something.

The sheriff warned the townsfolk to be on the lookout for the desperado who had been causing trouble in the region.
As a dedicated teacher, she's always on the lookout for signs of bullying among her students to address the issue promptly.
The detectives were on the lookout for any suspicious activity in the neighborhood.
Music executives at the record company scouted talent at local venues, always on the lookout for the next big hit.
As a dedicated teacher, she's always on the lookout for signs of bullying among her students to address the issue promptly.
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Meaning of "On the lookout for {sb/sth}" in Italian
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