British pronunciation/ɹˈɛd fˈɒks/
American pronunciation/ɹˈɛd fˈɑːks/

volpe rossa

a medium-sized mammal of the Canidae family, known for its distinctive red fur, bushy tail, and adaptability to a wide range of habitats

What is a "red fox"?


The red fox, scientifically known as Vulpes vulpes, is a fascinating and versatile mammal that is found across North America, Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa. It has a slender body with a distinctive reddish-orange fur coat, large ears, and a bushy tail with a white tip. Red foxes are known for their adaptability, able to thrive in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, deserts, and even urban areas. They are opportunistic hunters, feeding on a diverse diet of small mammals, birds, insects, fruits, and even scavenging on carrion. Red foxes are also known for their keen senses, agility, and speed, making them skilled predators. They exhibit a wide range of behaviors, including territorial marking, social interactions, and vocalizations, and are known for their ability to communicate through a series of barks, screams, and body language. Red foxes hold a prominent place in folklore and mythology, often associated with cunningness, adaptability, and survival skills.

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