intersepsi, per拦拦an
intersepsi, intercepti
What is an "interception"?
An interception in football occurs when a defender catches a pass that was meant for an offensive player, stopping the play. This usually happens when the quarterback throws the ball, but a defender is able to get in the way and catch it instead. The defender who intercepts the pass then tries to run the ball back toward the opponent’s goal. An interception is a major defensive play that can shift the momentum of the game, as it gives the defending team possession of the ball.
intersepsi, penangkapan
What is an "interception"?
An interception in rugby occurs when a player catches the ball that was intended for an opponent. This often happens when the opposing team is passing the ball, and the player steps in the way, catching it before the ball reaches its target. By doing this, the player gains possession of the ball for their team and can try to advance it down the field. Interceptions can lead to scoring opportunities or changes in the momentum of the game.