a general term referring to inflammation of the skin, often causing redness, itching, and various skin conditions
What is "dermatitis"?
Dermatitis is a common skin condition characterized by redness, itching, and inflammation of the skin. It can have various causes, including allergic reactions, irritants, or underlying medical conditions. Symptoms may include rash, dryness, scaling, and sometimes blisters or oozing of the skin. Dermatitis can develop suddenly and last for a short time, or persist or recur over a longer period. Treatment typically involves identifying and avoiding triggers, using moisturizers and ointments to relieve symptoms, and, in some cases, oral medications or light therapy may be prescribed. With proper management, most cases of dermatitis can be effectively controlled.
Sunburn can lead to dermatitis, causing redness and discomfort.
Identifying and avoiding triggers is crucial in managing dermatitis.
Eczema is a form of dermatitis characterized by itchy, inflamed skin.

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