Bubonic plague
pes bubonik, pesta hitam
a highly contagious and often fatal bacterial infection characterized by painful swollen lymph nodes, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis and transmitted through the bite of infected fleas
What is the "bubonic plague"?
The bubonic plague, often referred to simply as the plague, is a severe and highly contagious bacterial infection caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis. It is spread to humans through the bites of infected fleas, usually from rodents like rats. Symptoms of the bubonic plague include fever, chills, headache, swollen and painful glands, and sometimes skin wounds. Without quick treatment with antibiotics, the bubonic plague can lead to severe complications such as blood poisoning and infection of the lungs, which can be deadly. Although rare today, outbreaks of the bubonic plague still occur in some parts of the world.
Bubonic plague timely diagnosis through laboratory tests is crucial for effective treatment.
Bubonic plague can progress to more severe forms if left untreated.
Public health measures play a role in preventing the spread of bubonic plague.

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