posisi kedua, sikap kedua
What is the "second position"?
The second position is a basic stance in ballet where the dancer stands with their feet turned out and placed shoulder-width apart. The heels are aligned with each other, and the toes point outward, creating a V-shape. The arms can be held out to the sides, slightly rounded and at shoulder height, or in other specific positions depending on the exercise. The second position is one of the five fundamental positions in ballet and is used as a starting point for many movements and steps. It helps dancers develop balance, alignment, and proper posture.
posisi kedua, jari kedua
What is the "second position"?
The second position is a specific hand or arm placement used in string instruments, like the violin. In this position, the fingers are shifted slightly higher on the fingerboard compared to the first position. This allows the player to reach different notes and play higher pitches while maintaining a comfortable hand position. The second position is commonly used to extend the range of notes and to facilitate smoother transitions between different parts of the music.