to err on the right side
to choose a cautious course of action in a situation where there is uncertainty or potential risk
What is the origin of the idiom "err on the right side" and when to use it?
The idiom "err on the right side" has its origins in the principle of favoring a mistake that errs on the side of caution or moral rectitude. This idiomatic expression reflects a longstanding belief that when faced with uncertainty, it is wiser to make a choice that aligns with prudence and ethics. This idiomatic expression is used to encourage people to choose the path that minimizes harm or wrongdoing, even if it means making an error in judgment or taking extra precautions.
I made a few mistakes in my essay, but at least I managed to err on the right side.
When in doubt, it's better to err on the right side of safety and wear your seatbelt.
The manager chose to err on the right side by granting the employee a day off to take care of a family emergency.

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