Proper noun
What is a "proper noun"?
A proper noun is a specific name used to identify a particular person, place, organization, or thing. Unlike common nouns, which refer to general items, proper nouns are always capitalized and refer to unique entities. Examples include "John," "Paris," "Microsoft," and "Christmas." Proper nouns help distinguish specific individuals or places from broader categories. For instance, "city" is a common noun, while "New York" is a proper noun. Recognizing proper nouns is important for identifying specific names in language and following proper capitalization rules.
proper noun
Proper nouns are important for distinguishing specific entities in writing and speech.
Paris is a proper noun because it names a specific city.
The teacher asked the students to identify the proper nouns in the paragraph for their grammar exercise.
When writing an email, it's important to use proper nouns correctly to refer to specific people or companies.
He formatted the document, ensuring all proper nouns started with minuscule letters.