kövér, elhízott
vastag, széles
jelentős, nagy
zsír, étkezési zsír
What is "fat"?
Fat is a substance obtained from animals or plants and processed for use in cooking. It is commonly used to add flavor, texture, and richness to dishes. Examples include butter, lard, and various vegetable oils. Fat plays a crucial role in cooking by helping to conduct heat, enhance flavors, and create tender and moist textures in food.
zsír, lipid
What is "fat"?
Fat refers to adipose tissue that serves as a crucial energy storage and insulation system. It is composed of specialized cells called adipocytes that store excess energy in the form of triglycerides. Fat provides cushioning and protection to vital organs, helps regulate body temperature, and acts as a source of energy during periods of fasting or increased energy demands. Additionally, fat plays a role in hormone production and certain metabolic processes. The distribution and amount of fat in the body can vary among individuals and are influenced by factors such as genetics, diet, and physical activity levels.
zsír, túlsúly
kövérré tesz, hízlal