angol, angliai
belonging or relating to England, its people, or language
She took an English class to improve her language skills.
He ordered an English breakfast with eggs, bacon, and toast.
The English teacher corrected the students' grammar mistakes.
angol, angol nyelvű
of or relating to the English language
angol nyelv, angol
the most common language in the world, originating in England but also the official language of America, Canada, Australia, etc.
John took extra English classes to prepare for his TOEFL exam.
Maria 's English has improved since she moved to Canada.
People all around the world are learning English.
angol, angol származású
someone who is from England or their family came from England
angol, angol irodalom
the subject of study encompassing the language, literature, and writing associated with English-speaking cultures
What is "English"?
English is the study of the English language, its structure, literature, and use in communication. It involves examining grammar, vocabulary, and style, as well as analyzing works of literature written in English. English studies also explore how the language evolves and how literature reflects society, culture, and human experiences.
Students pursuing a degree in English often study a wide range of literary genres and periods.
Students enrolled in the English program study a diverse range of literary works spanning different genres and time periods.
English majors develop critical thinking and analytical skills through close reading and textual analysis.
oldalszél, pörgetés
(sports) the spin given to a ball by striking it on one side or releasing it with a sharp twist

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