igeragozás, ragozás
igekötés, igeidők ragozása
What is "conjugation"?
Conjugation is the process of changing a verb to reflect different tenses, moods, voices, aspects, numbers, or persons. This allows the verb to match the subject of the sentence and indicate when the action takes place. In English, regular verbs often follow a predictable pattern, such as adding "-ed" for the past tense, while irregular verbs may change forms in unique ways, such as "go" changing to "went." For example, the verb "to be" is conjugated as "am," "is," "are," "was," and "were" depending on the subject and tense. Conjugation is essential for constructing meaningful sentences and providing clear information about actions and events.
kötődés, összekapcsolás
konjugáció, párosodás
konjugáció, egyesítés
word family