to clothe
öltöztet, felöltöztet
to provide someone or ourselves with clothes; to dress someone or ourselves
Transitive: to clothe sb
As parents, it 's our responsibility to clothe our children in warm jackets and hats for the cold weather.
The charity organization aims to clothe homeless individuals during the winter months.
The government launched a program to clothe underprivileged families in the community.
to cover something
Transitive: to clothe the surface or expanse of something in sth
The dense forest seemed to clothe the mountain slopes in a lush green blanket.
Clouds began to gather and clothe the sky in a thick veil before the storm.
In autumn, the trees shed their leaves, and the ground is clothed in a carpet of red and gold.
felruház, kölcsönöz
to grant or invest someone with a particular attribute or capability
Transitive: to clothe sb/sth in an attribute or capability
Her words were clothed with authority, commanding attention and respect from the audience.
The election victory clothed the politician in political power, allowing her to enact significant changes.
The promotion clothed her in managerial authority, empowering her to lead and guide her team.

Közeli Szavak