kör, csoport
a circular intersection where multiple roads meet
What is a "circle"?
A circle refers to a roundabout or traffic circle, which is a circular intersection where multiple roads meet. Vehicles travel around a central island in a counterclockwise direction in countries where driving is on the right, or clockwise in countries with left-side driving. This design helps to keep traffic moving smoothly and reduce accidents by eliminating the need for sharp turns or stoplights. It is commonly used in areas with high traffic volume to manage flow and minimize delays.
kör, körvonal
movement once around a course
kör, hatás
kör, forgó
karzat, páholypad
What is a "circle"?
A circle is a section of seating in a theater or opera house that is higher up and curved around the stage. It is located above the main floor and often provides a good view of the performance from an elevated angle. This seating area is usually more affordable compared to seats on the main floor but still offers a clear view of the action.
street names for flunitrazepan
to form a rounded shape around something
to travel or move around something in a circular path or route
to move in a circular path or follow a curved route that forms a circle